Links, Ephemera, Miscellaneous & Other Nonsense

A page yet to be completed, this fine work is in slow progress.

Links, in no particular order and open in a new tab.

the Holy Loch Submarine base

Possibly the more recent fact that makes Holy Loch recognisable, is its use as a submarine base, more notably; during the Cold War for Polaris Nuclear subamines of the US Navy - SUBRON 14.
There are numerous links relating to the Submariners of Holy Loch, a couple below but more to follow.
Wikipedia - SUBRON 14 - Wiki page for the US Sub' squadron
USS Canopus association - A website for former crew of Holy Loch based US vessels.
Holy Loch Heritage - The American Years Revisited Facebook page for the US Navy period.
Los Alamos... in the beginning An account from one of the initial US Naval personnel bringing the dry dock to Holy Loch.